Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fall is here

Well, Jesse and Mickiah have left and things are getting back to normal. (Well as normal as it can get until we move into our own house:)
School starts on Tuesday. The kids are so excited and I think I am too. I can't believe Brooklynn will be in the big school with Coleman now. It will be nice to have all day to work with Mason and really be able to focus on him! It seems like the older two are always needing me more:) It's really been alot harder this time around to shuffle my time equally! Hope I get it right. The shop will be done in two weeks so we should be able to move in the house by the end of the month...GOD WILLING!!! I've been feeling a little down, I think I'm just needing some change or maybe a break. Hmmm?


  1. I sure hope you guys can move in in two weeks!! That would just be awesome!!! Hope the kids are liking school and you get your break soon!!

  2. Best of luck moving. I enjoy your blog, but can only comment on Brent's computer, mine won't let me! I am looking forward to pictures of your new digs when you move! HOpe your kids are enjoying school this year! It is great you have one on one time with Mason, time flys as you know and he will be in school before you turn around! Enjoy all the moments. You guys are great!
